Tuesday 10 December 2013

HA2 Task 2 - Artistic Styles Research

Artistic Styles Research


Photorealism in video games is a graphical process which aims at achieving a realistic look within order o gain the look of reality in video games.A lot of games tend to try and achieve this look within a lot of game genres, like shooters.

Games like ''Uncharted'' tend to make their games like this, and the popular ''Call of Duty'' tend to try and achieve it aswell. 

Photoealism takes the information from both the camera shots/ angles and the paints in order to create a near image of it.


Cel Shading

Cel shading, also known as toon shading is a type of a known non-realistic rendering designed o make 3-D computer game graphics. Cel shading is often used to mimic such style of an comic book or a fictional cartoon.  The name 'Cel' is short for 'celluloid'. 

Here for a example is what happens when you you cell shading. On the left is the basic, plastic shader. After shading i with cell shader you can see the difference in the textures.

Another example, is the Simpson game, which is a cartoon-esque nature itself. The Simpsons game was made by EA (Electronic Arts)  in 2007, as you can see below why its a cell shaded game. 



Abstract Art

Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Western art had been, from the Renaissance up to the middle of the 19th century, underpinned by the logic of perspective and an attempt to reproduce an illusion of visible reality. The arts of cultures other than the European had become accessible and showed alternative ways of describing visual experience to the artist.

An example of a abstract game is, Guitar hero. They have constant flashing lights. With neon blue and over vibrant colours going around the screen. Representing the keys to press on your guitar controller.


Exaggeration Art

Exaggerated art in games is popular feature, for example the popular video game series. Final Fantasy have crazy exaggerated graphics. Most successful games that use it, like a said previously Final Fantasy, the art in that game is what made it popular, along side its beautiful background music, and gameplay.


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