Tuesday 10 December 2013

HA3 Task 7- Review


I think overall my project of my work has been good. Throughout my project of digital graphics i have encountered some problems with my creativity and lack of ideas needed in order to design some sort of digital background and character. Throughout this process of creating our digital graphics via adobe's illustration software, we needed to research some designs, clothing, poses, characters etc to give us some inspiration and ideas for our own work. We as a class experimented with textures and taking photographs of what you could possibly use for textures in a video game themselves. We also learnt about artistic styles that many  video games use to be unique and make there game stand out than the typical video games that are released by publishers. The artistic styles needed o be researched and posted on our blog, which wasn't really that hard to do and didn't really take that much time to complete. Many games tend to use photo realism, cel shading, abstract art, exaggeration art etc. These styles are used by games like Final Fantasy that uses exaggeration art that makes that game unique, also Heavy rain is another great example that uses photo realistic graphics that make the characters look really realistic. 

With this research complete and with the right knowledge we had required we went on to researching our character and design for our own digital graphics. looking for a character at first was kind of hard for me because they're many to choose from. After I found a character I wanted to work off I then went on to doing background research on what type of styles etc I wanted to ry and create using the illustrator software that was provided. 

Overall i think my work ethic and time to complete this work was alright but could be improved, i feel confident in my work that i have uploaded and completed and feel that its at a very good standard with the right research and in depth explanations.

HA3 Task 6-Presentation


HA3 Task 5 - Production


HA3 Task 4- Planning

Original Schedule

Edited Schedule

Legal & Ethical Checklist

HA3 Task 3- Character Profile

Character Profile

Main Character -Blake Murdock
Blake Murdock is a dirty cop, who killed people and framed others. He's a drug abuser and a alcoholic. He will do anything to accuse you for something you haven't done, just to make his status and reputation better in the police force. He has no feelings towards others but his families. He's a great liar, and can manipulate people into helping him. He will use people for what he wants, then get rid of them. He keeps his friends close, but his enemies closer. He doesn't care about right or wrong. If he wants something he will eventually get it. A cold blooded tough guy killer.You have certain abilities like being able to handle big weapons, such as the cannon gun you have. You will have the skills to progress throughout the game leveling up will lead to you being able to do different kicks and punches to the zombies in the game. 

Clothing And Stances
The ideas that I've generated from multiple other TV shows/Movie and video games are going to be used in order to make my character. My characters stance for example, as you can see the first picture from the main protagonist of the popular TV show The Walking Dead. Rick grimes the protagonist holds his Colt Python handgun with one hand whilst standing straight. This will be the same way my character will hold his functional weapon that I took from a movie called Hellboy. The protagonist of that movie, Hellboy himself has a handcannon which I will take the idea of and used with my character, not only that but the jacket he wears will be used as well as you can see in the third and fourth pictures that I've used. As for the rest of the clothing I will be using the same style clothing as Leon Kennedy, the protagonist of several of the popular Resident evil games, that I've taken and was inspired from. Leon's shirt and jeans with Hellboys jacket will be combined with his handcannon with some other features to make my character and how I visualized him. 




HA3 Task 2- Game Genre And Synopsis

Game Genre And Synopsis

Game Genre
The game genre is a role playing survival single player. The game will have leveling system and the longer you progress throughout the game, you will unlock new skills. That will be the RPG element to the game, the game is a survival horror because of the survival aspect to the game.
You will be limited to food (health) and ammo for your hand cannon. You will have to rely on our secondary weapon  that you have the dagger. Acquiring ammo and food will be hard, but will be worth it when found. 

Your weapon packs a powerful punch that will kill most zombies in 1-2 hits to the head. The melee weapon however is extremely weak and should be used as a last resort. Also the fact that you're the only person around to fight the zombies makes the survival aspect a lot more important, because you can't rely on a friend.

 Also the food is rare to find as well making you either wanna evade zombies or take them head on, the choice is yours. Eventually you will gain quests from other fellow survivors who could be held up in a house you will hear them shouting for help, or they will be shooting zombies. Each survivor will give you quests, some will be to help find supplies for the survivors like food, water, weapons, ammunition. Each quests will reward you with either ammo, health points,food for health, or/and experience points. Kind of like the Fallout series, this will let you explore other areas of the game. You can meet random people in the apocalypse that you will be able to have a chat with, similar to the Fallout games, you will have a wide variety of questions and answers for people. 

You will eventually grow stronger as a whole character. This will make you stronger and will make zombies harder to kill. Each time you're slightly progressing you will end you facing other stronger 'mutated' zombie likes dogs and other animals. There will also be more weaponry in the game like a AK-47 and a M16. But these weapons will have a new feature unlike your general weapons like your hand cannon. they will have a expiration type mechanic. Each time you use them you they slowly degrade not only the weapon, but the bullets it uses as well. 

HA2 Task 3 -Computer Game Graphics Research

Digital Graphics

Pixel Art

Pixel art is a form of Digital art, this particular art is developed through raster graphic software. These graphics are developed at the pixel level, therefore they are fairly low res and tend to be the level of graphics in most low end computers. The first ever video games started using pixel graphics, compared to today's date there not that great. But for back then they were truly revolutionary. 


Concept Art

Concept art  is a form of illustration where the goal is convey a visual representation of a design, or idea, or  even a mood. These are used for entertainment factors such as movies, comic books, video games, animation etc. Concept art is also referred to as visual development/ or concept art. A concept artist is an individual who generates a visual design for an item, character, or area that does not exist yet. 


Texture Art

Texture art is used to texturise character models, environments, objects, etc within a video game. Texture art is usually in a 2D form and in rare cases 3D, it can then be overlaid onto a polygon mesh in order to create a realistic 3D model.



For example this steel floor grate. In real life it would feel rough, and hard. The creator of this texture would of used lighting,lines,contract etc. To create that look that its a hard ground. 

Background Art

Background art in a video game is a big deal, without that the feel of the game would be completely different, and wouldn't be as impressive as it is with it. Take Bioshock: Infinite for example, the game is graphically great. And a contender of game of the year. Without hat huge factor of it having great artwork, the game wouldn't be that impressive. Nor be a game of the year contender. 



Print Media Art

Print media art for video games, helps significantly. With the right marketing and art design for the cover of your game, can make you more money. Even if the game itself, isn't that great, you can still make a profit with some eye catching artwork for your cover. And that itself, can make a viewer interested in your video game. The examples below show different styles of print media art, for several different games with different styles.